Andreas Rau - Loom #161

Loom #161

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Loom is a stunning generative project by Andreas Rau released during the beta period of fx(hash). Andreas relates the project to the experimental nature of early fx(hash) days by saying, “The beauty of a new beginning, the thrill of the yet-to-be-done, the uncertainty of exploration”. Each variation displays a remarkable example of creating lifelike fabric textures through digital procedural systems. Inspired by female pioneers of abstract art and Bauhaus textiles, Andreas incorporates palettes that pay homage to Gunta Stölzl, Anni Albers, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, and Hilma af Klint.


480 unique sketches of imaginary weaves. Color palettes inspired by the great works of Anni Albers, Gunta Stölzl, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, and Hilma af Klint.

Experimental genesis token on fxhash made with p5.js and a custom shader.

Original artwork by Andreas Rau · Oslo, 2021


Le Random Thread

Edition Type


Date of Mint

November 15, 2021

Date of Acquisition

June 4, 2024