Analivia Cordeiro - 0=45 version I

0=45 version I

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0=45 version I is a historical computer dance for video by Analivia Cordeiro from 1974. It is part of a series: versions I, II and III. It was programmed in Fortran IV language and processed in a main-frame computer Digital PDP11 in the Computer Center of Universidade de Campinas, Brazil. for more information or Instagram analiviacordeiroofficial. This NFT represents the first edition of the artwork “0=45 Version I” from an edition of 8 editions plus 3 artist proofs. The artist, Analivia Cordeiro, retains the right to release the remaining editions either as NFTs or in any other medium.

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Date of Mint

September 1, 2023

Date of Acquisition

September 1, 2023