Leander Herzog - Returns #295

Returns #295

Le Random Logo

Returns is an offline-first PWA and an interactive SVG. It combines the joy of interaction, digital color and minimalist sculpture with the potential of a long running, continuously unique visual. Based on “Shipping” from 2016, it is inspired by Anne Truitt, Ugo Rondinone, Imi Knoebel, Kelly Ellsworth and many others.

A subdivision slices the viewport influenced by width, height and depth. Corners are cut by replacing them with two new points, pulled towards each other along the edges. Shapes are “rounded" by repeating this step, keeping the new points close together. As colors change, so do the relations between shapes, even if geometry changes at a slower pace. New compositions are created on click or after a timeout. This progress over time allows for infinite iterations within the space of each token. It is the promise of a seeded starting point, plus the potential for unlimited new and unique iterations and states over time.


Le Random Thread

Edition Type


Date of Mint

December 27, 2021

Date of Acquisition

November 20, 2023